Midquel: Gender War at Its Finest

Sample Thoughts
4 min readJun 9, 2020

This is the continuation of the Pudendum and Phallus series where we take a deeper dive in how our sexually dynamic world has become a slave of its power and is sinking into this quicksand.

Call me a boomer, call me a misogynist but as long as you can call me a misogynist I can call you a narcissistic prick. Free speech for y’all!! Everything in this world eventually levels out. Flip the pages of your history books, the feminist movement, BlackLivesMatters, French Revolution the list never ends. There’s this feedback loop inbuilt in everyone’s mind. You feel oppressed, you struggle and fight for power, you get a taste of that power and you want more of it and in the pursuit of that, the other party gets oppressed. There was a time where the Prostitutes were responsible for the betterment of Wild Wests. There was also a time where the United State had a black President but was eventually succeeded by a privileged equally opposite Orange President (America what’s with the colour). So yeah, power it always tends to be uniform where one or the other party gets oppressed and there comes a short duration where there’s a proper balance.

Another important aspect which will be important in this whole blog is the voice of the privileged. Well, every revolution which took place had some sweet progressive soul who helped the oppressed to restore the balance. Social Reformers, Philanthropists and Noble Peace Prize winners. But eventually, it’s the voice of the affected which tells the true story. I can explain how you much labourers are struggling but I won’t be able to express their pain to you. I might make you cry but I can’t be in their shoes no matter how hard I try. Sympathy for sure empathy it’s theoretically impossible.

Somehow this craving for power and clout for having a proper voice snatches the opportunity from the oppressed.

Misandry and Misogyny aka Bois Locker Room

We all know what happened in the boy’s locker room. A series of to and fro filled with Whataboutism and Ad Hominenism (courtesy to SaimanSays). I could go on day in and out regarding who’s to blame and who’s not but the main take from this issue was that we all tend to have this objectifying attitude towards each other (either make it a norm for everyone or make it unacceptable for everyone) and we all took the latter route (courtesy to my Sister). This heated argument highlighted two things about us-

  1. We like to be self-righteous.
  2. No one wants to be oppressed.

Eventually, the whole narrative transitioned into how flawed each gender is and trying to highlight how much of a hypocrite is everyone rather than defining what’s right or wrong. As stated earlier the voice of the privileged tends to shine and due to that, we couldn’t get the actual voice to be heard. I know I can’t be neutral in this problem statement, no one can because everyone tends to be neutral according to their line drawn. What’s the actual or the ideal line of division? No one knows because everyone was busy fighting with each other. We are good at faking, for sure. We fake our emotions, we fake our goals and we fake our self-integrity. What we aren’t good at is its retentivity. Two months of isolation made everyone so weak that they couldn’t control their hatred anymore. Wouldn’t say everyone but the majority of the people agreeing to a particular thought was not because it would lead to resolution of the issue or the society being more sensitive. It was because we as human beings don’t like to be oppressed.

  1. All the guys against this movement were those who felt underpowered when rejected by their female companions.
  2. All the girls in support of this movement but bashing the party and rather than solving it were those who never wanted to miss out on the chance of making someone look so wrong that it makes their right wrong.

Power Dynamics

Did this issue bring some change? Well, people are scared of their opinions being misframed as objectification. I can call a girl hot and that could be considered as an objectifying remark because the dynamics of the whole situation is based on the discretion of the persons involved in it. The women in slums are still being domestically abused by her husband and the men in a progressive workspace are scared that they can be framed for sexual harassment even if they aren’t guilty of it. The evils which should be addressed aren’t. Well, just for personal greed everyone rode this train to prove themselves the most rightmost person on this planet. But did we answer the following questions?

  1. Is it okay to use sexism as a creative license?
  2. When is a remark objectifying? If commenting on someone’s private part considered derogatory then why are rap and pop songs are given the creative freedom to objectify someone.
  3. How can we establish a system where people are automatically sensitised about an issue?

Did we make this world a better place? No, we were busy measuring each other’s ideology on a scale of misandry to misogyny. Our greed for power is so blinding that we never realised that we are pushing this world away from utopia than bringing it closer.

Final Ride

We talked about Internet Civilians, Social Media justice and tried to cover the sexual and power dynamics they all involved. Now, its time to get personal and reflect on how much our daily decisions and actions are directly affected by this phenomenon.



Sample Thoughts

My English is very poor but I write as it fortifies my illusion of social validation.