Prequel: Pudendum and Phallus

Sample Thoughts
7 min readJun 9, 2020

Hey, I am Sample Thought. I guess if you are reading this article then either I am very famous (money printer go brrr…) or I persuaded you to read it. I live in a post-world war phase. The one which belongs to gen-z and the biggest tragedy we face in this life is that our freedom of speech is in danger. The sole instrument which gave rise to BLM, the feminist movement and so on. Who knew that this small concept of providing free speech to everyone can be so powerful yet so self-destructive that we are on the verge of losing it?

I have thousands of thoughts and ideas going in my mind right now but this is the only topic which I want to gravely share with everyone. I know that the words of this blog can be twisted and turned against me, might make me another Kunal Kamra as well. But yeah, pudendum and phallus, male and female, Incels and NiceGirls, Simps and Twitch Thots, Patriarchy and Feminism, the list goes on. I can rant day and night about how my crush was giving me mixed signals and so on. “Some girl in another corner of the world would be crying that she did so much for this guy and still he cheated on her and then I would comment on her feed that hey girl, you look pretty and she would call me a creep and then I will call her a slut and the narrative continues.” Is this what we are talking about how nice guys are and how bad girls are? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!

We are going to talk about how patriarchy is harmful to men, we are going to talk about how clout destroys a person and eventually we are going to talk about how this unconscious dance we do in this sexually motivated world is the origin of problems and not the aftermath of it.

Definition of a Crush

Before, giving you an insight into my case study, let me talk about my personal experience. I know till now I sounded very ridiculous and this sub-topic will be the peak of this ridiculousness. Don’t worry bear with me.

When I was in the seventh standard, there was this new concept of crush and relationship being a hot topic. Everyone was busy playing FLAMES finding the right match for them. Guys catcalling guys with their crushes name, girls not talking to guys after coming to the fact that the guy likes him was a very phenomenon and in the heat of the moment, I also decided to choose a crush. For me, the definition of a crush for me then was “Any person of the opposite gender which whom you interact daily even if that was for 5 minutes is defined as a crush.

Then as years passed the definition changed from a daily basis to be a two-way friend and from that, the definition changed to having a 3 hr WhatsApp chat at least for a day and from then the definition changed to fighting with that person and talking about having a possibility of a relationship. What’s my present definition you might ask?

There’s nothing known as crush. It’s basically an agreement to be mutual means to each other goals and when you feel like your goals can’t be met or are satisfied you bid farewell to that person.

Surprised? Well, I wrote this in one go and asked this question at this instant so you can call it legitimate. You might ask, why are you reducing your chances to be socially acceptable and I will say that

The pedestal I was stood upon was never concrete enough and the fall which I took gave me more pain than the pleasure the rise gave me. If you still think that you want social acceptance then its better to watch this video.

Incels, Simps, E-Girls and Twitch Thots

You might think that linking everything to sex shows how backward and primitive my mind is. If anyone is planning to burn my Putla ek home deliver bhi kardena. I also want to play the narcissistic card sometimes. To get my point across we are going to talk about a domain where this pedestal and sexual dance is very prominent. Internet Civilians can be an appropriate term for them. What is meant by Internet Civilians? Well, any person whose priority for their physical social presence and image is negligible as compared to their Reddit Karma points and their ranking in the Twitch Top Donations are the ones who can be categorised as Internet Civilians.

The sense of anonymity makes them more unfiltered and raw in their emotions. You can sense how much they are captivated by the animal instincts. Do I object to their behaviour? Absolutely not. Do I loathe them? Well yes. Am I violating free speech? No, these aren’t verses from the Bible or the speech of the Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un.

The E-Girls know as a matter of fact that sharing close to nude pictures to people in their inner circle will make to whomsoever it may concern more wanted and special and that would make the money printer go brr. It’s her body and it’s her choice eventually. We have established that fact. My main highlight is the audience and the motivation behind their behaviour. How they have created this false pedestal for themselves? Money can buy happiness is what they thought. “Fuck the girl who called me ugly, I can talk to this E-Girl at $100 per month and look I am so happy.” Little did they know that this social interaction skill was something which everyone needs to learn the hard way. Some excel at the talking part and some excel at the connection part but everyone misses that one part. Extroverts are good at communicating but they never have this sense of close connection. Introverts are good at having fruitful relationships but they need to grind very hard and sometimes even risk their integrity by being socially interactive just to get the right fruitful relationship and also the added fear of only losing that right relationship.

Social interaction is a very difficult skill and for that physical presence is a very important criterion and roll back to the past remember this phrase

Any person of the opposite gender which whom you interact daily even if that was for 5 minutes is defined as a crush.

That was my phase where I did not know how to socially interact and I bargained like legit bargained and lowered my metric of liking someone. I felt hurt that why did the person never like me back, like 5 minutes of conversation that’s so long because girls and boys can never be friends (7th standard remember). I bargained for the sake of being socially accepted and feeling normal and that led to the creation of a false goal and a weak pedestal of me wanting someone.

Power Dynamics

The central theme throughout this whole series will be the analysis of the power dynamics. First of all, if someone is interested in gaining clout irrespective of the means without the intent of causing harm to others then it remains ethical. I identity myself as a gender-fluid liberandu and I don’t think so that taking advantage of someone’s animal instinct is wrong. I mean advertisers do that every day. My aim is not to question the ethics of an act. Everything we discuss in this is under the grounds of being ethical.

So, we have established that the act remains ethical and under the discretion of the actor to determine the ethics. But what about power? Privacy invites interest. Interest invites fame. Fame invites Money. Money invites power? Well, I think that’s where it becomes subjective. I think that these E-Girls do personally build a pedestal full of money and fame, but their personal choice of climbing that pedestal and getting it into their head is what fucks it up. Take the strange case of Belle DDelphine Everyone who’s been a part of Yt community knows her bathwater story. But hardly we know about how and why she vanished from the scene at the peak of her career. She started as a cosplay artist then moved on to posting NSFW content on Instagram and finally became an E-Girl. The fame, she had it all but when things start getting into your mind and the line between personal and professional integrity tends to blur out is when you become the slave of the power you weave. This sexual dynamic nature of us makes us cry and whine badly when we realise how much it was controlling us than we controlling it and eventually you realise that if you have spent those 5 hours outside talking to people and getting over your fear of failing as a person socially than to go through a series of photos which you got at cost of $5 cost your emotional integrity because you had this illusion that -

Emotions can be stimulated. Hence, disrespecting their emotional identity.

But Wait There’s More

Liked this unconventional, controversial ride with me then do give this blog some claps. Let’s aim for 1M claps and let’s continue further in this journey where we discuss how close this problem is to our life than we think.

This is your Liberandu signing off.



Sample Thoughts

My English is very poor but I write as it fortifies my illusion of social validation.